“Courts and Tribunals Through a Sustainability Lens: New Questions and New Expectations” published in Sustainable Development and the Law: People. Environment. Culture. edited by Shi-Ling Hsu and Patrick A. Molinari and published by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice,2006
Building Consensus for a Sustainable Future: Turning Principles into Practice, (co-authored with Gerald Cormick, Barry Stuart, Norman Dale, and Paul Emond), 1996 published by the National Roundtable on the Economy and the Environment, Building Consensus for a Sustainable Future: Guiding Principles, an Initiative Undertaken By Canadian Round Tables
“Inside CSR: Consensus, Sustainability, and Relationships,” or “ The fly on the wall tells all with perfect recall” The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Citizenship Unit, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, the U.K.( Volume 2, Summer 2001).
“The Sandspit Harbour Mediation Process”, prepared for the Science Centre Berlin for Social Research, Berlin, Germany (September, 1994) and published in: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Conflicts – Experiences in 12 Countries. Berlin: edition sigma (spring 1997).
Dialogue Forum Series: The Dialogue Forum Handbook ( co-edited with Luke Danielson), The Dialogue Forum Journal
“Making Decisions and Resolving Conflict: A Passing Fancy or a New Order? An Essay on an Emerging Face of Governance” an unpublished essay.
“Bridging Uncertainty: Dispute Resolution Processes as a Means to Settlement”, a paper prepared for a Conference sponsored by The Great Lakes Program of the State University of New York, at Buffalo – “Environmental Dispute Resolution in the Great Lakes Region: A Critical Appraisal”, March, 1988.
“Resolving Resource and Environmental Disputes: The Canadian Response”, prepared for the Science Centre Berlin for Social Research, Berlin, Germany (November, 1995) and published in: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Conflicts – Experiences in 12 Countries. Berlin: edition sigma (spring 1997).
“The Consensus Debate: 100% or Less – Says Who?” in National Institute for Dispute Resolution News, Volume 4, Number 5, Nov/Dec 1997, Jan 1998.
“Dispute Resolution Under FTA: A Counterintuitive View”, proceedings of the annual Conference of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, Washington, D.C., 1990.
“ADR” in A Resource and Environmental Context – One Canadian’s Perspective”. A paper presented to the Science Centre Berlin for Social Research, Berlin, Germany, (November 1995) and published in: Katharina Holzinger & Helmut Weidner (eds) 1996: Alternative Konfliktregelungsverfahren bei der Planung und Implementation grosstechnischer Anlagen. Dokumentation der Statuskonferenz vom 17/18 November 1995 am WZB, WZB discussion paper FS II 96-301, and subsequently edited and published in Interaction (Vol. 9, No. 4), a quarterly publication by The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution.
“Reaching Resolution: The Building Blocks of Settling Environmental and Resource Disputes”. A paper presented at, and published in the proceedings of, the 1992 Isaac Pitblado Lectures; Law Society of Manitoba.
“Settling Environmental Disputes: Reflections on Two Cases”, Canadian Environmental Mediation Newsletter, published by Conflict Management Resources, York University, Toronto, Canada, 1987, Vol. 2, No. 2.
“The Mediation Lesson: New Realities for Legal Service”, Canadian Corporate Counsel, Vol. 1, No. 2, October 1991.
“Inside the Space Between A & B and C, D & E: Reflections and Suggestions on Practice and Quality” The Association for Conflict Resolution Environmental Public Policy Section, Critical Issuess Papers, Tucson, Arizona, May 2002″
“An Adjudicators’ Compass: Finding One’s Bearings, and Staying On Course”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice, Volume 4, No. 2., a paper originally prepared for a Seminar for Administrative Tribunals organized by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, May, 1989.
“ADR: Possibilities and Challenges for Practitioners in the Emerging Workplace.” S. Glenn Sigurdson, SPIDR International,B.C. Industrial Relations Association November, 14, 1996.
“Inside the Space Between A & B and C, D & E: Reflections and Suggestions on Practice and Quality” The Association for Conflict Resolution Environmental Public Policy Section, Critical Issuess Papers, Tucson, Arizona, May 2002″
“An Adjudicators’ Compass: Finding One’s Bearings, and Staying On Course”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice, Volume 4, No. 2., a paper originally prepared for a Seminar for Administrative Tribunals organized by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, May, 1989.
“ADR: Possibilities and Challenges for Practitioners in the Emerging Workplace.” S. Glenn Sigurdson, SPIDR International,B.C. Industrial Relations Association November, 14, 1996.
Guidebook FNL
Framework Discussion Paper FNL
M&C Panel Overview 2011
M&C: Charting Our Course Report FNL
Lower Fraser Pilot: Lessons Learned
Lower Fraser Pilot: Advanced Materials
Collaborative Fisheries Governance Discpaper FNL
Governance Cross Cutting Questions FNL
Values and Benefits Draft Discussion Paper
Framework Discussion Paper FNL
M&C Panel Overview 2011
M&C: Charting Our Course Report FNL
Lower Fraser Pilot: Lessons Learned
Lower Fraser Pilot: Advanced Materials
Collaborative Fisheries Governance Discpaper FNL
Governance Cross Cutting Questions FNL
Values and Benefits Draft Discussion Paper
Publications written during the period 1969-1973 Glenn was involved as a Senior Research Associate with the Centre for Settlement Studies (University of Manitoba) examining opportunities and challenges for the involvement of First Nations people in major resource development initiatives in northern Canada:
Economic Status of the Canadian Indian: A Re-Examination, University of Manitoba, December, 1969. P. Deprez and G. Sigurdson. A research publication of the Centre for Settlement Studies prepared while a research associate at the Centre.
Northern Co-Operatives as a Strategy for Community Change: The Case of Fort Resolution, Centre for Settlement Studies, University of Manitoba, May, 1972. G. Fields and G. Sigurdson.
Economic Status of the Canadian Indian: A Re-Examination, University of Manitoba, December, 1969. P. Deprez and G. Sigurdson. A research publication of the Centre for Settlement Studies prepared while a research associate at the Centre.
Northern Co-Operatives as a Strategy for Community Change: The Case of Fort Resolution, Centre for Settlement Studies, University of Manitoba, May, 1972. G. Fields and G. Sigurdson.
“Reconciliation and Healing: Alternative Resolution Strategies for Dealing with Residential School Claims“. Published under the authority of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, March 2000. Click here for PDF.
“Conveners Report from Changing Currents: Charting a Course of Action for the Future of Oceans”, Dialogue Session February 23-26, 2005. Published by the Centre for Coastal Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Simon Fraser University.
“Competitive Cities, Healthy Communities: Charting Collaboration”, Report on a Symposium in Western Canada by Patrice A. Dutil. Published by IPAC (The Insitute of Public Administration of Canada), 2003.
“Asking the Right Questions: The Future Management of Canada’s Used Nuclear Fuel”. Published by the NWMO (Nuclear Waste Management Organization), November 2003.
“TruckSafe: Draft Report on the Forestry TruckSafe Summit 1″, June 7th – 8th, 2005, Prince George, BC. Published by the BC Forest Safety Council.
“Facing and Forming the Future”, Skeena Watershed Committee (SWC) Workshop Proceedings, January 19th & 20th, 1996.
This series of three books – The Dialogue Forum Handbook, The Dialogue Forum Reflections, and The Dialogue Forum Diary – features articles, instructions and notes generated during two Dialogue Forums held at Simon Fraser University’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue.
The Dialogue Forum The Dialogue Forum is an ongoing research initiative. TheKnowing Dialogue Through Dialogue series reflects a growing body of knowledge around the use of dialogue-based approaches in dealing with challenging conversations with a public aspect. The goal of the Forum is to evolve a deeper understanding of dialogue, both generically and in specific contexts that differ by reason of sector or activity, people and place.
The Dialogue Forum The Dialogue Forum is an ongoing research initiative. TheKnowing Dialogue Through Dialogue series reflects a growing body of knowledge around the use of dialogue-based approaches in dealing with challenging conversations with a public aspect. The goal of the Forum is to evolve a deeper understanding of dialogue, both generically and in specific contexts that differ by reason of sector or activity, people and place.