Speaking Has Enriched My Professional Life by Giving Me the Opportunity to Interact in Many Places with Many People, and the Reflective Discipline That Comes with Bringing into Focus a Message That Is Responsive to Who and Where They Are.
Presentations at "Sustainable Economic Development in the Mining Sector" conference, and at Expo Plaza hosted by Latincouver, an organization that promotes relationships among Latin Americans and the Canadian mosaic by fostering business, social and cultural exchanges through many activities and events:
Video 1 | Video 2

"Collaborative Leadership : Making a Difference Connecting Across Divides in the Diverse World of People and Resources," a presentation at a book launch event for Vikings on A Prairie Ocean hosted by Resolve Inc, Washington, D.C

"Lego for Lawyers: Building Processes for Solutions", a presentation at a Labour Relations workshop of the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC

"Respecting & Dealing with Differences to Make a Difference –Building Relationships: Resolving Disputes", a presentation at a conference, Modern Treaty Self Governance, B.C.Treaty Commission

"Exploring Opportunities:First Nations, Environment, and Natural Resource Management" a presentation at "Mining and the Aboriginal Interface" , a workshop of the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC, Vancouver, B.C.

"Reflections and Insights from the Integrated Salmon Dialogue Forum" at a conference event "Understanding Stock Declines" in the Speaking for the Salmon Series, hosted by Coastal Studies, Simon Fraser University, at the Morris J. Wosk Center for Dialogue, Vancouver,BC

"Crossing the Divide from Rights to Results: A "Good way to a Good Place" , a presentation at an Aboriginal Law Update conference organized by the Pacific Business and Law Institute, Vancouver , BC

"The Power of Story and Metaphor in Effective Advocacy" , a presentation at a conference of the B.C.Trial Lawyers Association, Vancouver B.C.

Speaker – Indian Residential Schools Legacy, Is Reconciliation Possible? University of Calgary

"The Principles and Practice of Mediating Complex Multi Party Disputes: "Make it safe always sweat the small stuff" ", keynote address, Manitoba Bar Association Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Manitoba. Winnipeg Manitoba May 5, 2006

Speech - “Reconciliation and Healing: Alternative resolution Strategies for Dealing with Residential School Claims – an overview of the history and outcomes of the Exploratory Dialogues (1998-2000)” given at Assembly of First Nations National Conference on Residential Schools, “a fair and just resolution of the Residential Schools Legacy,” Vancouver, July, 2005

Speaker - “Exploring the Practice – Training Interface in Diverse Contexts” at a workshop to inform a Hewlitt-sponsored research initiative: ” What’s the Use of Theory? How Trainer Practitioners Understand and Use Theory” under the leadership of Dr. Julie MacFarlane and Dr. Bernie Mayer, January 2005, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Law Reform Commission and Privy Council Office Speaker, “Busting out of the ADR Box: Building Process for the Problem”,

Policy Dialogue – New Paths to Justice Conference, Law Commission of Canada and Policy Research Initiative of the Privy Council Office, November 21, 2002.

Plenary Speaker, “Practical Approaches to Appropriate Dispute Resolution”, a Conference organized by the ADR Institute of Canada, Inc. and the Canadian Bar Association, March 8, 2002.

Speaker, “The Inner Circle of Advocates 30th Anniversary”, American Trial Lawyers Association, July 2001.

Plenary Speaker,” Inside CSR: Consensus, Sustainability, and Relationships”, a conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sponsored by the Corporate Citizenship Unit of the Warwick Business School, U.K.(July 2000).

Moderator, Interactive Dialogue “Mining and Society: Change – Communication – Creative Solutions”, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, BC, November 4, 1999.

“Exploring Opportunities: First Nations, The Environment and Natural Resource Management”, Pacific Business and Law Institute, Environmental Law and Canada’s First Nations, Vancouver, BC, November 18-19, 1999.

“Mediating in the Face of Intensely-Held Values”, Master Mediation Seminar, SPIDR New England Chapter, Rockport, Massachusetts, September 1996.

Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR), President’s Remarks: Washington, DC (September, 1995); Chicago, Illinois (October, 1995); Seattle, Washington (March, 1996); Anaheim, California (January, 1996; March, 1996); Honolulu, Hawaii (April, 1996); Edmonton, Alberta (May, 1996).

“People and Fish: Who’s “Eating” Who?, American Fisheries Society, North Pacific International Chapter, Annual General Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., April, 1995.

“Maintaining a Sustainable Fishery”, “Making Peace and Sharing Power – A National Gathering on Aboriginal Peoples & Dispute Resolution”, Victoria, B.C., April 30 – May 3, 1996.

“Tailoring The Process For The Problem”, Canadian Bar Association, Canadian Corporate Counsel Section, “How To Make Alternative Dispute Resolution Work For You And Your Company”, Vancouver, B.C., November 29, 1995.

“Managing Risk Through Managing Relationships”, “Real Estate Markets In The Long Run: The Next Decade In Real Estate”, Vancouver, B.C., November 29, 1995.

Science Centre Berlin for Social Research (Hannover Germany, 1993 and 1995) to bring a perspective reflecting Canadian experience and approaches in the resolution of complex environmental and resource disputes.

Moderator, “Managing Relationships Across Borders: Perspectives and Possibilities”; a Luncheon Dialogue with Allan Gotlieb and Lloyd Cutler, Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR), 21 Annual Conference, “Seeking Common Ground”, Toronto, Ontario, October, 1993.

“Human Resources & Alternative Dispute Resolution: Leader of the Pack or Back of the Bus” to the B.C. Human Resources Management Association Fall Conference, Vancouver, B.C., October 1993.

Moderator and Speaker, “Managing Conflict: Is The Way To Consensus Becoming Clearer?”, Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute of Planners, “The Future – Let’s Face It”, Victoria, B.C., July, 1993.

“Regulatory Negotiation – From Consultation to Consensus”, The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Prince Edward Island, August, 1991.

“Accepting Realities: Achieving Results”, at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association – “Bridging to the 21st Century”, Vancouver, British Columbia, June, 1991.

Discussant, “Institutionalizing Mediation” at an Invitational Workshop organized by the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office (“FEARO”) to consider the role, procedures and practices in respect to the use of mediation as contemplated in Bill C-78, the prospective Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, November, 1990.

“Dispute Resolution under the Free Trade Agreement: A Counter Intuitive Proposition” at the Annual Conference of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, Washington, D.C. October 1989.